PyroGreen Carbon


What is

PyroGreen Carbon?

Our innovative thermolysis technology enables carbon capture through the recycling of plastic and organic waste, resulting in low-cost production of PyroGreen Carbon, along with other valuable renewable by-products for the process industry, including syngas, bio-based oil i.e.

Annually, over 100 million tons of carbon are used for metal production globally. In Norway alone, the use of carbon is approximately 500.000 tons per year. Industrial companies utilizing carbon in their operations face significant challenges as they transition to more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions in their production processes.

As of today, they essentially have only two options:

  1. Continue with fossil fuels, which is harmful to the environment.
  2. Transition to renewable resources, but this option comes with high production costs and only partially meets the current technological requirements imposed on reducing agents in the process industry (reactivity, ash content, PAH, etc.).

Simultaneously, in recent years, there has been a significant growth in Norwegian forests, leading to plans for more deforestation in the coming years. This will result in an increase in polluting waste products in the form of GROT (branches and tops - with negative market value). HTTech has developed an emission-free combined recycling process for GROT and potentially plastic waste to harness the energy potential from these raw materials while creating clean carbon and hydrogen for businesses utilizing these raw materials in their production.


How does PyroGreen Carbon contribute to a sustainable future?

1 kg of fossil reducing agents directly leads to 3,67 kg of C02 emissions from extraction. The Norwegian process industry consumes from 300,000 to 500,000 tons of fossil reducing agents, accounting for 1,835,000,000 kg of C02 equivalents. The companies with whom we currently have a memoranda of understanding have a combined consumption of over 1 million tons of carbon annually. In coal mining, there is usually a significant amount of methane left behind, which is released into the atmosphere. According to the UN report, methane emissions are 100 times more harmful to the environment than C02. The same applies to bituminous coal. Heavy metals are lifted during extraction, damaging drinking water and the ecosystem on a large scale. All of these negative effects can be avoided by using PyroGreen Carbon as a reducing agent.

PyroGreen Carbon is a 100% renewable reducing agent and, moreover, offers better properties than fossil alternatives.

In the production of PyroGreen Carbon, no virgin resources are affected. all input factors are meterails that most consider commercially worthless and environmentally detrimental. For illustration, up to 3,7 million m3 of branches and tops (GROT) are generated in Norway per year, mainly in the forestry industry, which can be freely converted into PyroGreen Carbon.


PyroGreen Carbon can be customized

for your purpose


PyroGreen Carbon

300 LR and R

LR: low reactivity metallurgical grade carbon.

Key characteristics: Fraction dimension 1-5 cm; Fix C content 90%; Bulk density 0,3; True density 1,7.

Carbon Nanofiber (CNF) content - 15-30 %

R: High reactivity metallurgical grade carbon.

Key characteristics: Fraction dimension 1-4 cm; Fix C content 90%; Bulk density 0,3; True density 1,6


PyroGreen Carbon


low reactivity metallurgical grade carbon.

Key characteristics: Fraction dimension 0,5-1,5 cm; Fix C content 95%; Bulk density 0,5; True density 2.

Carbon Nanofiber (CNF) content - 20-35 %


PyroGreen Carbon


Low reactivity metallurgical grade carbon.

Key characteristics: Fraction dimension 0,3-1 cm; Fix C content 98%; Bulk density 0,75; True density 2,2.

Carbon Nanofiber (CNF) content - 30-45 %

nPBC - CNF reinforced PyroGreen Carbon powder

Fixed C 99%+

Carbon Nanofiber (CNF) content >60%.

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