Wrapping up an incredible week at #WorldHydrogenWeek in Copenhagen! Huge thanks to the organizing team for such a well-run event 🤩 🏆 It was great to learn how impactful are the new Renewable Energy Directive III and Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market package in speeding up the energy transition and boosting green hydrogen production. This is particularly relevant for implementing R&D initiatives in hard-to-abate sectors. A huge shout-out to Carbon Recycling International, Elysium Energy, Graphene – The University of Manchester, and Thermoflow for sharing valuable insights. Being inspired by our mutual progress, and sharing ideas is a key to scaling up hydrogen projects globally. Looking forward to continuing these great conversations at the next conference! 🙌 #GreenHydrogen #worldHydrogenLeads #EnergyTransition #CleanEnergy #TechInnovation #RDEngineering Konstantin Khomkin, Ph.D.
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